Friday, May 20, 2011

Big headbands should be illegal

I love to do Peanut's hair.  She doesn't much like it, but it's great fun for me to moisturize and style her hair, add bows and beads, and even the occasional headband.

Big headbands, however, are really beyond the pale.

Was just at lunch with a colleague, doing a little baby gawking, and two booths over there was a little girl, not more than six months old, with a headband that was nearly twice the size of my  head.

What is up with that?

Are you looking at me...or my headband?
Don't get me wrong - I like tulle and spangles and sparkling things (for Peanut...and for me ;) - but the big headband just drives me crazy.  At this age they can barely hold up their own who was the wise guy that thought it was a good idea to add a big bulky headband?

Save me!
And this - this one is akin to child abuse:

This headband is eating my head!

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