Monday, June 20, 2011


Today marked a new parenting first for first visit to the feminine hygiene section of the supermarket.

You might be wondering what exactly a toddler would need from the feminine hygiene section of the supermarket.  No, we weren't making tampon ghosts (after all, Halloween is still several months away).  I was on the hunt for Monistat (something else I never thought I'd be saying) to combat a pernicious fungal infection that we've been treating for a few days now.  Turns out diaper cream isn't quite the panacea we thought it was.  We needed to bring in the big guns...hence, the foray into maxi pad manor.

The doctor's other suggestion was to "air out" the area, which is rather complicated given that Peanut isn't toilet trained (she knows the word "potty"...and that's about it).  So on Sunday, Peanut "free balled it", so to speak, which basically entailed walking around our complex sans diaper.  In retrospect it's rather funny...although the site of her peeing down her leg while we were chatting up our neighbors was rather embarrassing yesterday.  Good thing it was bath night. 

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